June 2023
June Special Dates
Open Days ending Saturday 3rd June, 2023
Public Holiday
Studio Closed Monday 12th June, 2023
Last day of Term 2
Saturday 24th June 2023
Open Days
and Classes
Term 2 is a difficult term for teachers and parents with so many 'pots on the stove' as it were - public holidays, school camps, Eisteddfod entries, winter sports starting and seasonal sicknesses.
We respect the parents who are managing their household with more than one child and more than one activity for each child, management at the highest level. We are inspired by every parent who manages class schedules, visiting on Open Days, sorting fees and uniforms, reading newsletters and staying across each child's activity with training, games, practicing, classes, rehearsals etc.
As teachers we need to manage the changes of each day. Every class is different - every week the students who were missing in the previous lesson need to catch up with the new work - keeping track of each individual student is the challenge keeping in mind that new work is taught each week and we are physically training and co-ordinating a growing body.
Taking care of their confidence and self esteem needs care while we encouraging them to step forward to experience new exciting ways to achieve. If classes have been missed care needs to be taken to ensure that they don't feel left behind.
Open Days If you visited on one of our Open Days you would have seen our young dancers halfway through their year of development and by the end of the year each student will have accomplished their level of work and performed on stage.
The real 'Stars' are parents!