1st Semester Vibes
It is inspiring to watch our young dancers make their various entrances into the studios for their ballet/dance lessons and to see the dedicated Mums and Dads doing drop offs and pick ups. Thank you.
This semester our young dancers have learnt their new class work and proudly showed their 'Open Day' audience and family how accomplished they are becoming.
The children are continuously developing their physical strength, co-ordination and flexibility. They are challenged in every lesson with intricate movements, personal space awareness, dance patterns, musical timing, rhythm and counts. The French terminology for every step, movement, shape and direction is being absorbed along the way.
Every human being is stimulated by learning and dancers are always eager to focus and learn so more than they realise.
Our 'Open Days' also give our teachers the opportunity to see each young dancers dancing at their best. They are enthusiastic and proud of their hard work which builds their confidence. Well done everyone and thank you Mums and Dads for your dedication. An academic education is enhanced by an Artistic Education as creativity enriches their lives. Their dance technique classes (Ballet) gives their growing bodies strong posture and excellent alignment. Well done!
Left Level 2 Class
Right Intermediate/Corps de Ballet Class