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What a week-end!

Araluen Theatre, our second home was a special place last week where we finally performed Don Quixote. I am exceptionally proud of the dancers in Duprada Dance Company as they take on every challenge, achieve it and quickly move on to the next request. Last week they worked their way through very quick changes, four consecutive performances under lights and in costume, managed their work or school, teaching, homework and study requirements with focus and determination.

Dancers are amazing people who seem to be able to tap into the best of themselves constantly. I appreciate their ability to do many things but most of all I appreciate how - the word humble comes to mind, however it is more than that. They watch each other on stage willing others to dance well and express how proud they are of each other.

They are not looking to be 'the star' of the show or to promote themselves, they just consistently work hard in their rehearsals and performances always aiming for the best. As they work together and support each other

they become 'a galaxy of shinning stars'

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