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A busy 2 Months

Busy, tired, buzzing and inspired describes our August/September at the ballet studi In mid August we became a 'home away from home' for The Australian Ballet's Regional Tour over 6 days. Very busy with the energy and excitement of extra dancers, teachers, pianists, physiotherapists, production and administration staff filling the studios.

The magic of live music being played for classes and rehearsals was appreciated by everyone including those shopping in our Premium Pete Market. Members of the community were invited to visit the studio for an interesting introduction to the dancers and teachers followed by a Q & A. The Toy Library's little people came to the studio for a special dance engagement session with the educational team travelling with the Regional Tour. It was an intense, focused week for our ballet company dancers as they tried to take in every single instruction, correction, musical count and choreographic combination. They were immersed in several classes and rehearsal sessions every day.

Paul Knobloch taught inspiring Master Classes were given to Duprada Dance Company dancers, The Australian Dance Academy's Elementary and Intermediate students. Our Adult Dancers were treated to a class taught by Nathan Brookes assisted by Steven Heathcoate.

We had a wonderful week attending Open Class in the theatre with the whole ballet company, dancer emersion auditions, two performances of the Australian Ballet's Gala Performance. An invitation to watch the dancers warm-up barre before their final performance was appreciated.

Paul Knobloch who is currently employed by The Australian Ballet remained in Alice Springs for an extra 10 days to teach Master Classes and Choreograph a new contemporary work for Duprada Dance Company.

'Poetry in Motion' was created over 6 days with a studio performance on the last day. The dancers involved were physically exhausted, inspired and buzzing from an intense week of being pushed to their absolute limit and realising that they could go further. They are stronger than they think, Kaitlyn Baldwin travelled from Darwin for this intense week going home completely committed to her decision to aim for a career as a professional dancer and dance teaching.

'Poetry in Motion' was staged at Araluen in our 'The Power Playlist' production on 23rd and 24th September to a loud appreciative audience.

I am once again, reminded that ballet, dance and our dancers have a valuable place in our community, now richer from being given so much access and involvement with The Australian Ballet and Paul Knobloch. They gave so much, investing in the future of dance and dancers.

Paul Knobloch said good-bye on Sunday and on Monday The Administrator of the NT, Her Honour Vicki O'Halloran visited out studios. She was a wonderful guest who would have loved to worn one of our tutu's. She was very excited watching our dancers warm-up with class before performing two Pas de deux's from Swan Lake. We had a lovely afternoon tea with her entourage and our guests before a few quick photographs and a discussion regarding our value to the community of the Northern Territory

Busy is an understatement! - I realised there is a limit to my 'going out clothes' in my wardrobe.

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