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A Special Time Morning Melodies

One sleep to go!! Our youngest dancers are counting the sleeps until they can go to Araluen and be onstage. We have heard some very funny comments over the last couple of weeks as they realise they will be on stage at Araluen very soon.

Our youngest dancers are very excited to begin with - but when it actually is time to be on stage some of our young ones will still need some encouragement.

There is so much for the children to see and absorb during their time backstage and on stage. When they step out on stage for the first time they will immediately look for their parents - then we try to bring them together as a class getting them to listen and follow instructions. There will be costumes and a story before it is time to finish. It is amazing to see them when they have finished and join their parents with so much to tell them and they are so animated and happy.

Morning Melodies is busy and exciting morning for everyone as teachers start early with their own ballet class and prepare for the day, our technicians set the stage and check the music. At home children are getting ready to meet us at Araluen at 10-3.0 and be on stage by 11.00am. It is lovely to hold an in-house performance with parents and relatives being able to take photographs and videos.

Congratulations to all of our parents who have been bring their young dancers to classes during this very unusual year and welcome to our new parents and students.

We hope you enjoy our special Morning Melodies.

A Photograph of our young dancers on stage during our 2019 Morning Melodies.


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